Recent Newsletters

Ever since the ol' man discovered RUM liquid nutrients, we've kept in touch with farmers by means of an annual newsletter. Whether you're growing a vege garden down the back paddock or you're one of the largest wheat growers in the country, we've got your story covered. Check out the newsletters to see what others are doing with RUM or simply to pass the time.

A blast from the past...


Tim Dowell tells how he saved money by using Beaulieu RUM liquid fertilizer

How to make money: don't spend it!
December 2004

And now, news from across the Nullabor. Tim Dowell of WA Soil Improvers tells us that last season some of his customers were faced with the unusual situation of having too much rain. One of the consequences of wet soil is that farmers can't get their spreaders out to top-dress their nutrient-leached crops and pastures...

Read more of Tim's story



Jim Swift and Printhie wines use Beaulieu RUM liquid fertilizer

Printhie and RUM ... oh, what lovely drops!
July 2003

Just south of the historic town of Molong, NSW, Jim Swift is growing 33 ha. of very high quality grapes indeed. The cool climate and the rich red soils over limestone are ideal for premium grape varieties like shiraz, cabernet sauvignon and viognier. Jim, who left a successful local accountancy practice to get his hands dirty....

Read more of Jim's story