Contact Details

Peter Irwin, Manager Director
Beaulieu R.U.M. Head Office
Inverell NSW 2360
Freecall: 1800 020 909
Telephone: +61 (2) 6721 0681
Fax: +61 (2) 6721 2055
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Contact Details:
Our Locations
Beaulieu RUM is owned, operated and manufactured in Australia. It is used throughout all states and territories for cereal crops, pulse crops, pastures, sugar cane, small crops and much more. Intial enquiries should be directed to the contact details above.
Beaulieu RUM liquid nutrients is available as Aussie Liquid Fertiliser™ in China where it is used widely on rice, broadacre and vegetables including tea for the Chinese Emperor.
South Africa
Beaulieu RUM has a strong hold on the growth of wheat, sugar cane, maize and essential oils from the Eastern Transvaal through to the Western Cape province. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Australian office (contact details above).