Recent Newsletters
Season 2004 | Page 2
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And now, news from across the Nullabor. Tim Dowell of WA Soil Improvers tells us that last season some of his customers were faced with the unusual situation of having too much rain. One of the consequences of wet soil is that farmers can't get their spreaders out to top-dress their nutrient-leached crops and pastures. Ian Crawford of 'Malebing Farms', near York, usually top dresses his Arrino noodle wheat and Carlup oats with 100kgs/ha of 26N-14S mix. But last season, as nutrients were leached from the inaccessible wetter parts of his farm, the untreated areas soon dropped behind. Ian's answer was to bring out the boomspray and apply 3.5L/ha of R.U.M. After 4 days the R.U.M.-treated crop had caught up with those areas treated with the proprietary Nitrogen-Sulphur mix. Better news was t come. The R.U.M. wheat crop not only yielded the same but increased in protein. And when Ian did his his sums he realised that R.U.M. at $17.50/ha was a much more profitable treatment than the $40/ha outlay for his hard mix. Same result, less cost. That's the way to profitable farming!
Eric puts the 'rum' in DurumIt's always gratifying to welcome new R.U.M users but even more satisfying to acknowledge our R.U.M. veterans. And Eric Chandler of 'Doodlakine' in WA is certainly in this category. Some years ago Eric started using R.U.M. solely as a seed-dressing but, impressed with the clean, solid start that his crop were getting, he stepped up a level and began to spray his crops with R.U.M.
Good results on his Durum wheat encouraged Eric to make it a regular feature of his cropping program so no one was too surprised when last season's Durum effortlessly achieved the DR1 grade. Quality is what the silo pays out on - and Eric really knows how to turn R.U.M. into profits.
Eric Chandler puts the header into his top-grade R.U.M.-fed Durum crop
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